The AEC Police Diversity program is currently being expanded to diversify the profile of police officers. In addition to actively looking for individuals of indigenous origin or from visible or ethnic minorities who have not taken training in Police Techniques, the program is also open to all other individuals with training in a social science field.

The SPVM is committed to attracting and including a diverse workforce involving hiring, integration and training programs. Its objective is to promote equal access to ensure that the SPVM’s staff is more representative of Montréal’s population.

Specific admission criteria

  • Be a Canadian citizen (citizenship card as proof)

You should meet the following educational criteria:

  • hold a Bachelor’s degree or
  • hold a diploma of college studies or
  • hold a comparative evaluation of studies taken outside Québec issued by the Ministère de l’Immigration, de la Francisation et de l’Intégration covering one of the diplomas stated above.
You need to :
  • hold a Bachelor’s degree in one of the following fields:
    • Criminology
    • Sociology
    • Psychology
    • Social work
    • Law
    • Security and police studies
    • Social sciences – co-op option (major in sociology) or

  • hold a diploma of college studies in:
    • Social work techniques
    • Specialized education techniques
    • Delinquency response techniques

These requirements may be adapted if necessary.


  • Limited places, complete applications will be processed as a priority (see documents required)
  • Apply for a job
  • Montréal being a french speaking city, you must speak french in order to work at SPVM
  • All those eligible for the program will receive, by email, an information document presenting the program, as well as the selection process. It is strongly recommended to consult the documents before attending the interview.


  • The steps of the selection process are the same for everyone, whatever their background (AEC Police Diversity program or Police Techniques program).
  • The selection process will start in May 2023.
  • Candidates who successfully complete the different steps of the selection process must take the following two training programs:
    • Attestation of College Studies (ACS) in police techniques lasting 30 weeks. 
    • 15 weeks of police patrol training. This training is offered at the École nationale police du Québec (ENPQ) in Nicolet. Start of the training scheduled in 2024.
    • Hiring by the SPVM scheduled from November 2024.
  • You have questions:
    o Consult the FAQ
    o Contact us